
The London Marathon

There are emotions that last 42km and 195m. These are the emotions that only a Marathon can give you. And if the Marathon is that of London, one of the Majors, everything is dilated. The medal around the neck is the fulfillment of a weeks-long journey, made up of suffering, stumbles, fear, feats, goals.

Gabriele Ammoni

Gabriele Ammoni

27 years old, entrepreneur, loves sport and especially Running. He ran several races and marathons and, in London, he made his Personal Best: 2:47:53

Giorgio Pulcini

Giorgio Pulcini

45 years old, Web designer and marketing.
An all-round lover of running: the Tor des Géants stands out among the events in which he took part. He ran the London Marathon in 2:49:11

Massimiliano Rosolino

Massimiliano Rosolino

44 years old, ex swimmer, Olympic champion in Sydney in 2000. In recent years he has approached running with an ever more passionate approach. In London he finished his marathon at 4:00:00

Bianca del Balzo

Bianca Del Balzo

26 years old, Social Campaign Manager.
Former handball player in the Italian national team, in London she ran her first marathon in 4:06:38

new balance
London Marathon 2023


On the legs and with the eyes of our ambassadors we lived this intense adventure, thanks also to the precious collaboration with New Balance.
Gabriele Ammoni, Giorgio Pulcini, Bianca Del Balzo and Massimiliano Rosolino shared their workouts with us through their social media: from meetings with Orlando Pizzolato, a coach who followed their preparation, to the most difficult sessions, with attention to details, such as nutrition and tender management. All four with different experiences behind them, but united by the desire to give their all to reach the finish line. Very different from each other, in terms of history, physicality and objectives, they perfectly embody the New Balance Claim: "Run Your Way".

The running community is broad and deep, made up of athletes who must preserve their authenticity and individuality, without reaching stereotypes to define themselves. Whether you run fast, slow, to set the best time or simply to feel free, this makes you a Runner.

Sport is passion

On the legs and with the eyes of our ambassadors we lived this intense adventure, thanks also to the precious collaboration with New Balance.
Gabriele Ammoni, Giorgio Pulcini, Bianca Del Balzo and Massimiliano Rosolino shared their workouts with us through their social media: from meetings with Orlando Pizzolato, a coach who followed their preparation, to the most difficult sessions, with attention to details, such as nutrition and tender management. All four with different experiences behind them, but united by the desire to give their all to reach the finish line. Very different from each other, in terms of history, physicality and objectives, they perfectly embody the New Balance Claim: "Run Your Way".

The running community is broad and deep, made up of athletes who must preserve their authenticity and individuality, without reaching stereotypes to define themselves. Whether you run fast, slow, to set the best time or simply to feel free, this makes you a Runner.

Yesterday, today, tomorrow alongside the runners

We have witnessed the spectacle of a real celebration of Running, rather than a sporting event. We were part of a huge party made up of running, numbers, comparisons, but above all of great passion, the one that drives us every day to do our best work to make thousands of Runners happy. The one that makes us feel, simply, alive.