
Send a return

Returns within 14 days of delivery are free*. Choose to pick-up directly to your home.

Important: you can request a free return only once for the same order.
(*) For sale or outlet products, return fees apply.

How to make a return?

Return the product(s) in 4 simple steps

Fill out the form You can find it in the package we delivered to you. Indicate the products you want to return and insert it inside the package. If you have lost the form you can download it by entering your order details above.
Re-use the box Package your product in a few seconds with the adhesive band present or be sure the package is well sealed with adhesive tape
Send the return Fill out the form above and we will take care of the shipment! Deliver your return to a BRT delivery point or schedule the pick-up at your home, on the day and time that suits you best.
We will refund you immediately as soon as we receive your return, if it respects the requirements, we will refund you the amount. We refund immediately with the same payment method used during the purchase. If you have chosen cash on delivery, we will refund by bank transfer.